A downloadable game for Android

Welcome to the Escape From Outer Space Project!

This game was made with the proposition of learn more about Unity Mobile Games and the exclusive content about it.

Is a non-profit project and made to increase my portfolio!

Things i've learned so far:

  1. Use of vectors in games;
  2. How to use the camera to transfer a screen coordinate to a position in our world;
  3. How to use the InvokeRepeating method;
  4. Creating a Unity Event and passing parameters through it;
  5. Using the Range attribute on a Float/Int type property; Manipulation of Unity's physical world refresh interval;
  6.  Creation of slow motion effect in gameplay;
  7. How to pass information between two scenes;
  8. Limitations of the PlayerPrefs class Correct use of DontDestroyOnLoad How to save files inside the computer to create savegames, rankings and others;
  9.  More about the JsonUtility class; Use of Application.persistentDataPath to search for a path where to save our files;
  10.  Use of prefabs in the UI; 
  11.  What the VerticalLayoutGroup component does;
  12. How to read information saved in a file;
  13. How to use the JsonUtility object to transform a json into objects; 
  14.  How to give more freedom to the team working on the game;
  15. Using and customizing the InputField;
  16. Protection of project information through ReadonlyCollection<>; 
  17.  Single instance of an object and why use it; 
  18.  Correct use of Tags on objects;
  19. What is Canvas Scaler and how to make the game interface responsive;
  20. The concept of Globally Unique Identifier;
  21. Garbage Collector and how it works;
  22. Strategies to avoid processing spikes during the game;
  23. Reserving and Reusing Objects (Object Pooling);
  24. The difference between OnDrawGizmos and OnDrawGizmosSelected methods;
  25. Audio Mixers and their usage;
  26. How to make oscillating movements


All arts are taken from Alura's course, all credits reserved for them.

Game Repo


Please Comment bellow what you thinking about this game!


v1.1.apk 22 MB

Install instructions

Just a normal intallation for '.apk' files

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